Sunday 8 July 2018

BICO Optical centres

BICO Optical centres
How could I forgot to say that I manage BICO optical centres? Sometimes I forget that I am the Professor of Ophthalmology at College of Medicine in Blantyre, University of Malawi. By the way I also conduct Research, and I have a few publications: I even have a recent publication at the New England Journal of Medicine.
We do clinical eye examinations, give advice and prescriptions glasses as needed. We have very high quality frames and lenses. Next time you travel, get an eye test in one of our centres. 

Our BICO Clinics are located in Blantyre, Zomba, Mangochi, Ntcheu, Lilongwe and Mzuzu.
So in Mangochi I manage both the BICO optical centre, and the luxurious Lake View Lodge.
More information can be found at

email me

Homestay at Lakeview lodge in Mangochi Malawi

Homestay at Lakeview lodge in Mangochi Malawi
Staying at standard hotels in mangochi along the lake can be expensive and prohibit many people from travelling. Hoe stay offers a cheaper but high quality alternative. The definition is that this is a private house offering accommodation to paying guests.
Homestays provide several benefits to guests:
·       Less stress from being woken up every morning for breakfast as in standard hotels
·       Flexibility on meal times
·       Savings on lodging costs.
·       Local perspective and information about the city that is not easily found in guidebooks.
·       A deeper understanding of the everyday life of the locals.
Lake view Lodge is located 24 km from Mangochi boma, just adjacent to two of the most expensive hotels along the lake in mangochi. If offers a luxury and quet atmosphere, whether just for relaxing or serious minds.
Its also only about 40 km from Cape Mclear – so tourists can stay at the Lodge and travel daily there. There are several shops within reach to buy all the necessities, and there is also a gas station near by .
Next time you think of going to Mangochi, why not try home stay?
Pre bookings are required.

Lake View lodge Mangochi now on facebook

The username @lakeviewlodgemakawamangochi has been created for Lake View guesthouse.
It's now easier for people to find your Page in search. People can also visit your Page at and send messages to your Page at

Have you checked the self catering Lake view lodge on facebook . This lodge is in Malawi, Mangochi, Makawa.
its a 5 bedroom all rooms ensuite guesthouse, and have a marvelous swimming pool. The  enture guesthouse is only K100,000 ($150 per night) and can take up to 10 people. no walkin- prior booking is needed.
rates for one room  are only  $30-40 per night.
arent these crazy rates?
no, because i am still promoting the lodge.
email me : for a quote

enjoy Lake Malawi.

Amazing : Lakeview Lodge Mangochi Makawa Malawi

Amazing : Lakeview Lodge Mangochi Makawa Malawi
I stopped blogging 3 years ago (rather I haven’t blogged for 3 years) – to concentrate on my academic research.
I have now ventured into hospitality industry, and would like to share an attractive quiet place in mangochi, Malawi.  Let me disclose conflict. I am the co-owner.
But where did it start. The same research project required me to stay in Mangochi for many days evry month. I was tired of staying in a traditional hotel. I wanted a place that would feel like home, while I am away from home. So decided to create one.
This is a self -catering guesthouse- which is infact a house –where you do everything like you are home, and costs a fraction of being a hotel, yet it’s better than a hotel.
The place is in Mangochi along the lake, next to the famous sunbird hotel, located at makawa mangochi. Its no secret, the famous hotel cheaper rates are around $150, per night and this is the prize one would pay if they wanted a whole 5 bedroom guesthouse, and the swimming pool. If it just a couple, then $30 per night will do, but you still stay in the entire house. You watch TV in the lounge, eat in the dining, and get things fresh from the kitchen. Then you have a khonde and your garden chairs. What more can you ask for.
Those who have visited if said they felt like home.
Why not email me.
By the way I am still a Professor at College of Medicine. Happy to be your waiter.

<a href="">Email me! </a>
