Friday 13 March 2015

Time does fly

Time does fly.

Imagine seeing the younger sister that you’ve been sending to school all this time now getting married and the little daughter that as in the children’s intensive care unit now with a big smile and also going to school. It just shows that time indeed now does fly.
I remember it’s not long ago when my sister Alice was asking for pocket money for her upkeep in secondary school ,and also the day she was saying she had been selected to University of Malawi ,the Polytechnic, to pursue a degree in Electronic Engineering  and me saying you better work hard because it wasn’t going to be easy in a male dominated profession .Imagine today she is not only a qualified Engineer who I working ,but she is  married .And if you see my daughter Tapiwa in my  early blogs and how  bad she started her life ,you wouldn’t  believe she the same .
Well , I have been busy traveling up and down in the communities focusing on finding blind children ; only to realize that I have missed my daughter growing –can even recall seeing her crawling or starting walking .what a pitty!!!!!. If only she didn’t have such a good mum, what could have become of her with a father who is constantly away from home? God bless the mum (who happens to be my lovely wife).
Today I am in transit, but when I get home will try to spend a day with Tapiwa and also visit my young  inlaw who has  married my sister .
May be I should create more time to spend with my family?
But where can I get time  from?
Recently I have been advised I need to go to a rehabilitation centre and be treated for being  alcoholic (am told I am a work alcoholic ,but when are   a  sufferer ,you don’t know).
What do you say?
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