Thursday 25 September 2014

Alarming burglary increase in Malawi

As a result, I have Lost a Good Friend. Rest in Peace Richard

Just a few weeks ago (September 2014)  a good long-time friend Richard Suzgo Chinula was attacked at his house in area 47 in Lilongwe by thieves at around 1.00am while sleeping. He was badly assaulted  and suffered head injury with scar fracture. He died a few days later at Kamuzu Central Hospital. I have been very divested as this was the only friend I could count on in Lilongwe. He gave  me a lot of advice regarding BICO, and indeed he contributed to the success of BICO. I had known Richard since 1996 , and we have been friend since then.
Richard was an Engineer trained in Malawi and Canada, and at the time of his death he was the owner of First Net ICT systems, a prominent IT company in Lilongwe with branches in Blantyre. At the age of 49, he has left behind 3 children and a wife. What a loss!!!!

The issue of security in Malawi is very frightening. Just a few weeks ago, the Vice Presidents house was also entered by robbers. In 2012, thieves also robbed our house and stole a lot of things.

Police, can you do something about this? Malawi is supposed to be a peaceful country

RIP Richard!!!!!

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