Thursday 25 September 2014

Tough Times 2014

Tough Times 2014

If I wasn’t a Christian believer, I am not sure where I could have looked for solutions for what happened to me on 13th June 2014 9when my whole body was burnt).
And 4th January 2013(when I broke my Right arm).

Been a medical doctor for 18 years (an eye specialist for 12 years), but on that fateful day (13rd June) , my career and my friend fell into pieces.
A lot has been said about witch-craft (not uncommon in Africa).In-fact there are claims that the one who did his is known.  Yes even doctors believe in witchcraft and seek traditional healers.
But my God is greater than theirs, this is why my wife prayed for my condition, and the heavens opened up.
Never disclosed this (while in Intensive care unit I lost hope, but my wife never did).

Believe me, I had had no shower/ proper bath for over 30 days while I was bed ridden.
I was also pooing and weeing right there in the bed.
And I was stinking.
I was in excruciating agonising pain all the time.
How then could I have wanted to carry on?

Pethidine/Morphine didn’t work on  me.
They wanted a Psychiatrist to asses me .

But my wife was fasting, prayed to her God to make me better. And he just did that.

Today 25th September, still in Pain, but I am able to blog.

Infact I am in Paris, France- standing infront of Effel Towel;trying to dress my wounds. (and attending a Trachoma meeting)
I have several blisters-wow these are painful.
I could write a novel about the pain.
Maybe I should become  a motivational speaker.

But in all situations, praise the Lord.
God has been good to me. He makes me want to serve him more.

Contact me at  :

<a href="">Email me! </a><strong></strong><em></em>

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